Monday, April 14, 2008

Shawn's Leatherheads Review

2008 Movie #48 - Leatherheads

Completing this review will mean that for the first time in I don't even know how many weeks, I will be caught up in reviewing the movies I've watched. It's a pretty good feeling actually. It's not so much a good feeling knowing how fucking far behind I still am on watching movies, with one from February still waiting to be viewed, but what the hell, it's a start.

You wouldn't know it since I haven't gotten around to writing any sort of preview for the month of April (trust me it's coming, even if I write it on April 29th it's fucking coming), Leatherheads would have been mentioned as one I was genuinely looking forward to. George Clooney is one of my favourite actors and I'll support anything John Krasinski does based on The Office alone. I was also very much in favour of a throwback to the screwball comedies of the early century. Thankfully this movie delivered and was actually really good. It's not really fall down hilarious, but it's consistently enjoyable throughout it's entire running time.

It's nice to watch a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously and where everyone involved just seems to be having a good time. The feeling ends up being contagious because the viewer just begins to have a fun time watching them and watching the movie play itself out. That's really the best word you can use to describe this movie, fun. It's just fucking fun to watch. It's also something unique, and that's an element that's becoming more and more rare in movies. It's not very often anymore you can say a movie does something different, which is a fantastic reason why you should go and check this one out.

If you don't have fun watching this movie, then I hate to inform you but you may in fact be some sort of emotionless robot. If that's the case you have no place on this planet and will no doubt be destroyed in the near future by an angry mob of villagers. know enjoy that. The rest of you enjoy Leatherheads, it's a damn good time.


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