Monday, December 29, 2008

Shawn's Pride and Glory Review

2008 Movie #150 - Pride and Glory

Another huge milestone in the number of movies watched. No way will 200 be reached though, at least not with 48 hours left to watch movies. It's almost too bad because I bet with a bit more time, I could easily do it.

Everything about this movie screamed generic when I first heard about it. The trailer, the title, the story, everything about it looked so painfully generic. The usual cop drama we see at least once or twice a year really. After having finally seen the movie, well I can safely say the movie itself is just as generic as everything lead me to believe.

This review is also going to be short because I really don’t have anything to say about this one. It’s not really bad. It manages to at least stay somewhat entertaining, but it all feels so familiar. There is hardly an original moment in this entire movie. Except for one scene involving a baby and an iron. That was the one moment that made me sit up and pay some real attention. Other than that though, there is nothing to get one invested in what’s going on.

The acting is just fine, which isn’t really a surprise with a cast like this. It just kind of makes me wonder what actors like Edward Norton, Colin Farrel and Jon Voight saw in this one. Then again Jon Voight was in the Bratz movie last year so maybe it shouldn’t be too shocking he would appear in this one.

That’s about all I have to say about Pride and Glory. Not a horrible movie mat all, but it’s way too long (over two hours) to say it doesn’t have a whole lot to say or do that’s in any way original. It sort of reminded of Street Kings, another really generic movie. I would have to say Street Kings was the more entertaining of the two of them though. I would skip this one.


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