Monday, December 29, 2008

Shawn's The Women Review

2008 Movie #152 - The Women

This one is similar to Sex and the City and Twilight in that maybe I’m just not supposed to get this movie. Either that or it’s my other theory, the movie just isn’t very good. Right now, I’m going to choose to lean towards the second option.

This will be my third really short movie review in a row. I just didn’t like this movie. I really don’t even know how to expand on that further. I didn’t care about the main story, or any of the smaller subplots. None of the characters were interesting and some were just flat out unlikable. The jokes fall flat just about every single time. One about referencing the original movie by saying “what is this a movie from the 30’s” actually made me angry because I’m pretty damn sure the writers thought that was really fucking clever. Not so much guys, sorry.

The movie is also really, really long. I remember checking the length when I thought that it had to be just about over, only to discover there was still just over an hour to go. The movie is 2 hours long just about and doesn’t have anything to say or do that justifies that long of a running time. Yes there are a lot of characters but aside from Meg Ryan and Annette Bening, most of them don’t have more than 10, maybe 15 minutes of screen time each. I actually forgot about some characters when they would come back. Not a good sign.

This could be another one of those movies that I’m not supposed to get. Obviously it isn’t tailored towards me. I can safely give it a 1 because of 2 scenes I can think of that actually got me a little interested. Therefore it isn’t completely without any redeeming qualities, but it’s damn close to having none.


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