Monday, December 29, 2008

Shawn's Traitor Review

2008 Movie #147 - Traitor

I don’t have a whole lot to say about this one. I’ve had it ready to watch for months now but never felt like sitting down to watch it. Having now finally done it, I don’t regret the time I spent watching it but it’s not even a week later and I forget just about everything about it. That right there tells you just about everything you need to know about Traitor.

It’s not that it’s a bad movie, it’s just not really a good one either. It’s a decent watch that never stops feeling familiar. It does what it does well, but it’s nothing you haven’t seen before I would say. The plot has a few twists and turns but if I remember correctly the trailer gave most of them away since I already knew about a huge revelation that happens about halfway through the movie.

The acting is good, but that’s pretty much what I expect from Don Cheadle. Jeff Daniels has one of those “why did he bother roles” that seem to be popping up quite a bit lately. I think he was only in 3 scenes and one of them he didn’t even speak. When he did speak he only said a couple of lines. He was good at saying those lines, but I expected him to have a lot more to do.

There are some good sequences in this movie, some with actual suspense. I just never got that invested in this movie. I blanked out a few times too I admit that. I can’t say not to watch it since I do feel it was a decent viewing, but there are just so many other movies out there I would recommend above this one that it just fades into the background. It’s another movie I don’t think I will remember at all once the year is over.

** ½ / 5

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