Monday, December 15, 2008

Shawn's Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 Review

2008 Movie #128 - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2

I really don’t feel like spending a lot of time talking about this one. I watched the first movie back when I got free DVD rentals and it was very average. I really was only interested in one story (Amber Tamblyn’s), while the rest were very disposable. When they announced the sequel I couldn’t help but think, where the hell else is there to go with that story? Turns out, pretty much nowhere.

This movie is the very definition of pointless. The characters don’t really grow at all. They fight and stuff sure but I never felt like I needed to know this is where they ended up. None of the stories are interesting this time around. For the most part they are all generic love stories where I didn’t give a crap about who ended up with who. I didn’t even really have Amber Tamblyn’s story to fall back on this time, although her story still is the only one that stands out, at least in the beginning.

My biggest problem with this movie, and I don’t remember if I had this issue with the first one too or not, is that the characters are actually pretty unlikable in this movie. They make decisions that the movie seems to think we should understand and sympathize with, when they are really being irrational and irritating. There is a lot of fighting and hostility but it never felt justified. It just felt whiny. The movie flat out angered me at points, which is something I never expected. I knew I wouldn’t like it but to be physically angry because of it? Wow.

So the stories aren’t interesting, the characters aren’t sympathetic and the whole thing is way too long. What does that leave us with? A big plate of fuck all I suppose.

*½ / 5

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