Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Shawn's The Secret Life of Bees Review

2008 Movie #159 - The Secret Life of Bees

Well it happened again. I actually watched this movie right after I finished watching Swing Vote and then just completely forgot about it and never wrote the review. It's only a few days later and I can't remember too much about the movie to even talk about it here. I guess that pretty much sums up everything you need to know about the movie right there. It's ok, but pretty forgettable.

The one thing I took away from this movie was that Dakota Fanning is getting older. I haven't seen her in a movie in a while now and she looks a whole lot different from what I remember. She's still a good actress though so hopefully she can stick around as she gets older. Very few child stars have managed to pull that off, with Elijah Wood being one of the few examples I can think of right now. *moment of silence for the career of Macauly Culkin*

Also Paul Bettany is really fucking good at playing a backwoods redneck. I was surprised to find out it was him because for the first part of the movie I really had no idea. So kudos to him because he did a stand out job.

Aside from those 2 facts, nothing much else about the movie stands out to me now that I think back to it. It was pretty decent, with some really good performances and a merely ok plot. It probably doesn't help either that I watched this one in the middle of a huge field of Oscar and award movies. Really doesn't help this one stand out. I guess check it out? Really though there's a whole lot of good stuff out there right now that you should be checking out instead.

** 1/2 / 5

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