Monday, December 29, 2008

Shawn's Revolutionary Road Review

2008 Movie #158 - Revolutionary Road

After a slight break for an animated mouse, we’re back to the awards movies. This is another one I knew nothing about before I watched it. I had never seen a trailer and aside from the cast, that was about all the knowledge I had.

The plot is pretty simple. It’s basically a married couple in the fifties who are having some problems. It’s a simple premise but they do a great job with it. Things get off to a good start and then the movie does slow down. However when it picks back up again, it picks up like a motherfucker. It really gets you into the story and you HAVE to know just what the hell is going to happen.

The movie hinges on the performances and my god these are some quality performances. Leo and Kate go the exact opposite route as Titantic and spend a good chunk of this movie just screaming at each other. I have to give particular props to Leo though. He is great in this movie. I would maybe go as far as to say this is his best performance, and he has given some damn good ones. Kate is really good too, but it’s Leo who steals the show. He has one scene near the end of the movie where he is yelling at a character who isn’t Kate (I don’t want to give anything away) that is fantastic. It’s also satisfying because you’re waiting and waiting for him to unleash so when he does, it just feels damn good to watch it unfold. If he doesn’t get a best actor nomination for this, I’ll eat Hollywood. The whole damn thing.

There isn’t much more to say about this one. It features two excellent performances and a simple, but well told plot. Another great movie that comes right at the end of the year.


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